
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Domestic violence research question

United Angels Against Domestic Violence is doing research on the different abusive scenrio's that people endure. We have put a short one question poll up on the UAADV News Blog (Yes, we realize that one question isn't enough but we are taking this in stages.)

Please look at the link above, the poll is in the upper left corner. For now this is only one question with very few generalized answers. We will get more in depth with the questions and answers as thing progress. If you feel that your main reason is not listed, please feel free to email with your reason and it will be added to upcoming questions and answers lists. (We will not be keeping the names or email addy's of those that email us)

Please pass this link onto as many as you think would answer the question.

You do not need to sign into Blogger to answer this question.

Thank you all for your time and help in this matter!!!

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