
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Checking In... and Update of sorts...


I have been super busy over the last couple months!  Haven't had it in me to do much blogging... had to take a break from it all I think.  I have re-focused my attentions AGAIN, and hoping this keeps me from the burnout that I have every couple months.  I finally updated my Hootsuite account to a pro account so that EVERYTHING is all in one place and re-tweeting and facebooking things is much much easier now... this should help me to stay focused and more organized without all the time spent dredging through things.  I have brought the DenomShi Twitter account back to life for tweeting advocacy stuff.. the hardcore in your face things.  I ran into an issue with my main twitter account... apparently now they allow you to follow up to 2000 people, after that there is a ratio that you must adhere to of followers to following... and of course that ratio isn't posted anywhere LOL... soooo I reached my 'allowed' to follow limit on cancermoonwolf and had to make a separate account for my craft shop and bring DenomShi back.  So I have spent this morning re-doing all of my auto feeds and RSS/ATOM feeds.  My twitter accounts are as follows, so that you can follow/re-tweet accordingly:  Personal, random, everything and anything I feel like tweeting... will include crafts, DV, NCM, SA and CA advocacy and other stuff as well  All advocacy all the time  All healing and empowerment all the time  All crafts all the time

I've separated facebook as well and links are as follows:

Profile:  Randomness just like cancermoonwolf twitter account (This is my public facebook account profile, not the private one that only allow people I know in person to have access to... I will not post the link to the private one, if you need/want it, send me a message and if I know you in real life then I may send you a friend request)

TLC Coaching Fan Page:  All healing, encouragement, empowerment all the time

LeChrysalis Fan Page: DV aftercare, support, encouragement, and empowerment (I help with this one, don't own it)

GuRu Originals Fan Page:  Craft stuff and items I sell, craft discussions and tips for various crafts

I have a group on facebook as well that is a private group for those that want to try to make money online through crafting or hobbies/arts and stuff along those lines.... if anyone is interested in an invite to that group please send me the link to which profile you want to have the invite sent to on facebook.  It is basically an empowerment group for NCM's and DV survivors that want to start a small business or make a little extra income, which is why it is private and by invite only... topics may come up that are sensitive and do not need to be read all over facebook.

Please share these twitter and facebook links out and follow them as appropriate, thanks!!!

Personal:  Randomness
Coaching:  Healing and Empowerment
Advocacy  Same as it has always been

I still have Miss Sacagawea but moved to blogspot because wordsupress locked my account due to something on the MISS blog that someone else owned and had put up.  So if any of you have stuff to put on there let me know, I'm slowly moving posts from wordpress over as well

I no longer have Anonymiss... not sure if I will start that back up or not.  Many people have said that it was a good resource but I just couldn't keep up with it.  In the mean time you can direct people to:  which I help with and post to as I have time.... same content as Anonymiss had.  I decided to stop paying for Anonymiss and if I do start it back up will more than likely be on blogspot and free!  LOL

I've completely lost track of who is doing what and where online... if I'm not following your twitter or facebook pages please respond to this with your links... or friend me on facebook and I will find your stuff.  I 'm still doing advocacy and awareness stuff and will share out all that you send my way!!  My main focus, however, for now is still helping the women (and now adult children) that are survivors of abuse in all it's different forms... as well as running my craft business, which comes first but ties into it all. 

My coaching stuff remains free of charge to all, I am just not taking on clients at this time... I blog the stuff and post it, I will communicate with individuals that need to do so, but I no longer have client sessions... I've had to change this simply because too many have wanted those sessions and then just turned into emotional vampires that really don't want to do anything for themselves... I can't handle that.  Know thy limitations, I say LOL 

The way my craft business ties into all this is this:  It shows others that it CAN be done, I also help others get going, and the money I make can be used to help me with the coaching and advocacy things I do as well as buying supplies for various shelters that I help out when I can.  (Not all the money I make will be used for this, some/most will be used for personal stuff.... )  With the group on facebook I can even teach women to make things that they never would have thought they could... and then they can turn around and sell those things... after having free lessons in learning a new craft or hobby.
Once I get moved and we are settled in (probably in March or April of next year) I will be getting back out into the community more like I use to do... helping women face to face and putting up flyers, etc etc etc

You can check out my Etsy Shop here:

You can find the daily papers I do here:

Domestic Violence Daily:

Go Empower Yourself Daily:

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